Monday, August 15, 2011

What can I do about my mom? she belittle me to the point that I feel like I can't do anything for myself ?

I'm a 24 years old and a new mom. My mother and I have not had a good relationship since I started college and graduated. i put myself through school. she did everything within her power to make me fail. she belittles me and tells me i have not done anything good. Of all the headache and heartache I went through the past five years. I ended up with panic attacks. my therapist says its because of trauma. to make my story short. i got married and am a new mom and despite all that my mother did and called me i still found a way to have a relationship with her. i love her but she says does thing to just make me feel so little of myself . she takes my power of being a human from me . Now that am a mother myself I want to have a better relationship with her but I do not see that happening . why? i had my baby two weeks ago with a c-section. my mother came and isted me . she has been there for me but she makes feel like i do not know what am doing. she makes fun of me how I do not know how to change a diaper appropriately. since she did not offer to help my selfesteem of being a new mom was high but now its so low that i feel like i can not do anything. i'm so sacared of being a mom. this was one thing i thought i could be better at. i feel so scared of taking care of my newborn because i feel like everything am doing is wrong. tell me has anyone ever make you feel this way about yourself? what did you do? please help.

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