Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Can ya'll tell me if Metaalica, and Limp Bizkit did cover songs/?

chili peppers have done boatloads of cover, black flag, jimi hendrix, donna summers, jimi hendrix, beach boys, random sixties bands, tons of other ones

How do you make the connection that more regulations = worse for the economy?

Good question, love the answers so far... apparently the idea is to ignore any sort of proof to the fact that regulation works. Oh, and it's unpatriotic to use what other nations have done as an example.

Legally separated but still married. Fiance left me. How can I get her back? how to rebuild trust?

My ex has dragged out the divorce 2 years. I filed before meeting my former fiancee who I truly love but my ex has lied to her and she believes horrible things about me which are not true like allegations of me having an affair with someone at work and other horrible lies but because I lied about not being married she rightfully doesn't believe me. How can I rebuild trust and bring her back. I know it's my fault for not telling her but I was affraid, I'm not trying to excuse my failure. I was wrong and should have told her. She won't say she still loves me but wont say she doesn't either so I'm praying there's hope. I'm truly not a bad guy and I do worship the ground she walks on and if she did take me back I would be completely open about everything. I have started counseling to make sure if she comes back that I can be the best person possible and have no baggage because she deserve a good man because she's had a really difficult life. It was my job to keep her safe and I failed. I would never fail like that again. This may be strange but I still feel close to my dad who ped and I talked to him about this and swore that I would never lie to her about anything small or large if she came back. I know many of you will tell me to move on because i will admit some men are just cheaters and lie but I'm not one. I use to thank God each morning that I woke and saw her sleeping next to me and prayed each night to God to help her feel better (she has a serious injury from an accident) and fall asleep holding her so she felt safe. I would drop my work to take her to the doctor appointments and alway put her first above all because it was my job to take care of her. I just don't know what to do. I gave her some proof to show some of the statements by my ex are lies but i don't know if that's enough. She won't meet with me nor really talk to me. I'm trying to give her space but I just don't know what else to do. She can't have anymore children because of her injury and I knew she was the last woman I ever wanted so I had a vasectomy to make sure she wouldn't get pregnant. She was and is the only woman I've ever loved and that's one of reason's my ex hates me so much. Please offer advise instead of trashing me because I already know what I did was being a coward, deceitful, painful and hurt her beyond anything a person should ever feel. thanks.

How can i make my curly hair stay straight all day?

I have thin curly hair so my hair is super easy to straighten. Well i have a good chi straightener and i get my hair really straight and in a few minutes later my ends start curling back up. i have tried different hairsprays and non work. What can I do to can keep my hair straight?

The bible clearly states that ity came from turning away from God, so why dont people believe it?

people would rather enjoy whatever sin they are doing albeit for a short while and in that moment theyd rather deny God forget him and they also forget eventually they will indeed have to give an account for their actions

Is cage sand really necessary for Lovebirds?

The answer is, Lovebirds do need grit. Many members of the parrot family do not, like atoos and atiels.

In Statistics: in my research, im comparing the performance of introverted and extroverted students on...?

Technically a t-test is only valid if the underlying distribution of the scores is Normal. As your sample size gets really big, a mean value asymptotically is normally distributed, so a t-test is the most commonly used test for this sort of thing. Technically, you should test your samples for normality first, but I'm not sure how reasonable that is in this case.

Did you know that Mariah Carey has a sister and a brother?

yeah i thought she was an only child too. i've never heard anything about siblings. that's cool. you must really love Mariah.

Looking for some anime to watch?

How about watching Sailor moon. Its both magical and action. Its about this girl who finds out she was born in a kingdom on the moon and is destined to be a magical crime fighter named sailor moon along with her friends whose crime fighting names are planets. I personally like the english version but a lot of people like the japanese one.


Anyone out there that can give me tips on conserving power and water. My usuage is way too high (not water) and the bills are getting worse. How can anyone live in the world we do now. It just gets worse and worse.

My mother has been as disrespectful to me she could possibly be?

Id talk to your dr...maybe he would be willing to talk to her about how common feeding is. And the fact that most women that do feed do it as long as possible...or try looking it up on websites..there are groups that support feeding for at least up to two years

Women over 40 who had tubal ligation, Have you started missing periods, you get the cramps & all the other pms

symptoms but no period, I think 43 is too young to start going thru MENOPAUSE, anyone else experienced this at an early age. NO I'M NOT PREGNANT!

White smoke coming from exhaust with new head gaskets!?

Just got a head gasket job and replace the timing cover on my 75 plymouth duster 360 because of water in my oil. There was a lot of that milky cremey stuff in my engine. I did a complete flush on the engine and still notice alot of white smoke from the engine and exhaust. is this normal? I only ran it for a minute.

How do you think someone would react?

I go to college of the holy cross in worcester, and I am a first year student. However, first year students aren't allowed to have a car on campus, neither are second year. I managed to get a job abut a 10 min drive from campus. It's the only way i'm going to be able to pay for my expenses, books and etc. But the problem remains that I cant have a car. Taxis are incredibly expensive and the bus services the school offers don't run all day. Do you think someone would be creeped out if I just knocked on their hows and asked if I could park my car there and pay them a monthly payment. There are a lot of houses around the school and I was just thinking maybe I could ask someone to rent me a parking space. Is this a bad idea?

Can An Apple iPod U2 Special Edition (20GB, second generation) Charge By Computer??? ?

I Have An Apple iPod U2 Special Edition (20GB, second generation) And When I Tried to Turn It On It Said I Needed To Charge It From The Wall.But I Only Have A Computer Charger So Im Having My Friend Charge It With His Wall Charger And Now Im Wondering If When I Get It Back If I Can Charge It By The Computer?Please Answer

Sims 3 upgrading HELP!!!?

I downloaded sims 3 off the EA website and paid for it and all that so I found out there is a free second town on the Sims store. I go to get it and POW it pops up and says serial number please. I was never given the serial number. I used a debit card to BUY the game and was not given a serial number. Could I use someones just to get the town or do I have to contact EA?

What would you do in this situation? (love triangle)?

amy should ignore them for awhile. she cant help that bob likes her and she likes him back. her other friends r not very good friends if they are like that

Hair styles... HELP?

I'm meeting brady quinn soon at a dinner event and i want a really nice hair is think and has loose curls and about length... so its kinda long... i want to wear it down but i think more subtle curls kinda like micha barton vanessa ann hudgens paula deanda or blake lively... how do i do that?? ( im getting my haircut soon just to let you know... thankss)

"cozy fleece hoodie" by kirra at pacsun?

Its so cute! I want one! Sorry I can't answer it! I have one like it and love it! It's my best friend in the winter!


okay so im 5'3 weigh about 106 pounds im 17 female im on a diet pill called oxyelite pro and it works amazing i go to the gym 2-3 times a week and i feel good but today i was busy at my house getting ready for my moms bday and baking and stuff i was on my feet for a couple hours so thats the most exercise i got today but ive been eating horrible i ate 3 hershey bars and 2 bags of peanut er mnms will i gain weight from this or will my diet pill not have me gain that weight HELP.

Has the Chinese once again surp or outpace us in terms of medical studies & research?


Was he interested in my friend? LONG! EASY 10 POINTS FOR BEST ANSWER!?

I think your friend kayla is like kinda ....stupid? or inconsiderate? Why is she flirting with your seriously that's messed up. If you or her can't see why it's messed up then Idunno lol. I hope you do mind that she flirted with him lol S:

Which religion is found in every culture, every country, even the cultures that will kill the adherents...?

I don't think the religion you seek exists or will ever exist. A religion is just an organized way of worshipping God. They all worship the same Creator. If we all exist in the same reality than our God is the same for everything in our reality. I like to incorporate the concepts of all religions in my philosophy. All religions have elements that I disagree with, so I will not commit myself to a system of worship I don't see eye to eye with. God is the creator of reality and transcends our systems of religion.

Can Zeus defeat Ares, god of war?

yes this is related to greek mythology. i dont know this stuff. my report is due tomorow and i dont have my greek myths book with me. plz just answer this simple question! thx so much!

Do you feel Phil Garner should be fired as the Astro's manager?

What is Purpurra thinking? I recall at least 9 games we lost as a direct result of Garner's bad gameday decisions this year - especially in respect to pitching management. 9 more wins would have gotten us into the playoffs, baby. It seems the people who live in Houston have an irrational sentimental attachment to him. He should have done better this year with the talented players he has - don't wanna hear it's the offense's fault, either. The talent was there to win the 1-0 or 2-1 games - especially with our stellar D.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

If England played France in a game of "CFL Football", who would win?

It's good to know that the little birdies are still flying around between your ears. Out of the institution again are you? Haven't seen any nonsensical questions in a few weeks.

What changes would you make?

I'd take out Reggie Brown and put in greg jennings because hes pretty much Favres new favorite target. Id also think about putting in grant instead of taylor but I'd keep taylor in

Why such extremes and few in betweens? Why agave nectar and fruit sugar and not sugar cane? Why wholegrain?

all these diets that are promoted are a way of taking money for old rope as the saying goes .ages ago there were diet breads on the market and all it was,was a loaf half the size of An normal one. i bet all the diets are probably the same kind of thing.remember there were no fat prisoners in the death camps

Undertaker or Chris Jericho in these 4 categories? + WQ?

WOW ... Some of you obviously take this really serious ! ? NOT to put anyone down but, I never knew how seriously people take wrestling. For those that do... I think it is great ! Enjoy the entertainment !

Cardiac arrest and people going stiff?

I have performed CPR at least 100 times and have never seen any posturing. unless you have the right equipment you can not feel any pulse with a systolic blood pressure below 60 so it was possible the person did have a slight heart beat. for all practical purposes the person was in cardiac arrest

Sirius satellite radio online?

My family got a new car and it came with 1 year of sirius sattelite radio free. But i want to know how can I log into sirius online and listen at my computer? Does the subscription we have not allow online listening?

Is it possible to CHOOSE to believe in something?

No, deep down a person can't hide their true feelings. They can hide them from the outside world maybe, but they can't hide from themselves. What they can do is CHOOSE to be in denial.

GPU overclocking to higher level?

you have likely gone as far as you can, even with cooling as you have seen, heat is not the only issue

What kind of desperation drives people to become suicide bombers?

Why do you think they do it? What are they so desperately trying to say. They are making a statement....what exactly is that statement? What can the world do for them?

PE teacher or personal trainer?

I am researching becoming a PE teacher because I have become in love with fitness after losing 40 lbs and motivating others to do so. I have also thought about becoming a personal trainer, but to me, I think being a PE teacher would provide more job security. I am not a sports player at all, how I lost weight was through kickboxing, cardio, and weight training. Could I teach these at a school without having to coach a sport, because I have no expertise in any sport except what I have just mentioned. Would that hurt my chances of getting a job? Which route do you think I should pursue?

Only answer if you've read books by both?

Alyson Noel vs. Stephenie Meyer. Which author is a better writer? Which one uses better imagery, makes you see what's going on? Do not hold back, I want your full opinion.

Albuterol inhalers made by Armstrong Pharmaceuticals, Inc...Where do i look for present day inhalers ?

After albuterol is taken off the market, you shouldn't be able to get it from anywhere and if you could, it would be really really hard to do. There are a various number of short acting respiratory medications but the new formulation of albuterol should not have a significant difference in the way it works for you- and if it does, your doctor should be able to prescribe other things for you.

Which do you think is better..... Avenged sevenfold or Korn?

I personally prefer a7x but i wanna hear every ones opinions. Tell me who you think is better and why. Please and thank you =]

Do you guys think this doesn't count as racism.?

Stares, racial slurs, throwing things, intimidation, ignoring...Just because lynching, burning people's houses and dragging people on the back of cars are considered hate crimes now, doesn't mean the subtle forms aren't considered racism, right?

What do the Plymouth brethren's believe?

i have all respect for them and everything, but its so hard to find out their beliefs. the only brethren church in my town has all the windows boarded up, and at primary school they had to go home for lunch and R.E. is there a reason for them not using technologies? thanks for any answers

Co-signing NIGHTMARE?

my step dad had co signed a car for my cousin and they are just barely doing something about non payment because my cousin hasn't made a payment in a good year. Wells Farago is the finance company and my step dad has a bank account with them he has talked to them numerous times even gave them 3 to 4 address where they could pick up the car and he would take over payments but they never did anything they waited til it was too late. Now that he just got paid with out any verbal or written notice they froze his bank account and took over 2,000 of his money that was in the account. I know him being the co-signer he is screwed but is it legal to just take the money out of his personal account without notice? His account for the car barely got sent to repo but never a collection agency. Is there a way he could get his money back cause they left him with 12.67 these who can live on that????

Is it impossible to rehabilitate some criminals?

Paedophiles should be locked up for life because they can't be rehabilitated. I used to have to work with the vile vermin when I worked in partnership with the Probation Service.

Should I give a homeless man a frozen cornish game hen?

There is this one homeless MF'er who lives in back of the Hess gas station here. I am always like, "Hey, how ya doin? Can ya dig it? How is life treatin ya?" And then he and I talk for a while and then he coughs real loud and can't catch his breath so well and he drinks some malt liquor and then everything is fine. Should I give this man a frozen cornish game hen from the grocery store so he can thaw that junk out and eat it and enjoy it? He makes fires in the nearby woods and he could probably cook that junk up and thoroughly enjoy it.

Who knows any good drum and b songs? - for drumming!?

Well, the drummer of As I Lay Dying was recognized for his really insane drumming technique. There is another band called Agoraphobic Nosebleed. They use a drum machine, but if you listen to it, it sounds exactly like a real drumkit, so if you wanna know some really fast drumming songs, look up Agoraphobic Nosebleed. As for b, Primus is considered a rock band that is based off their b guitar sounds. The Red Hot Chili Peppers also has a lot of b guitar playing. A lot of deathcore drummers are extremely talented at what they play, so you might want to listen to a couple of deathcore songs if you want to think up of anything as far as drum lines go. I hope what I said helped.

Can You help me name my baby girl?

My husband and I really liked the name Raine. I want to give her two names. ______ Raine. Can you help me ind the perfect match for the name Raine? I don't like a very common name and I want the name's meaning to be good. Thanks!

How do you like the beginning of my story?

I like it! it kept me interested the entire time. good luck. im also a writer. im looking forward to reading it. the only criticism i have though is the first sentence. its a bit...... blah. you know what i mean? anyways the rest is good. its a really good start. hope this helped! keep on writing!

If a citizen can't be forced to purchase health insurance, why can't hospitals refuse to treat the noninsured?

The argument that requiring people to carry health insurance is unconstitutional may or may not have merit, but likewise what's constitutional about forcing a for profit hospital to treat the cashless uninsured? Why can a hospital be forced to accept Medicare or Medicaid money? Personally I'm for Universal Health Insurance paid for by both tax increment and the usual premium, co-pay and deductible system. Both Medicare and the VA work for me. Both are affordable and far less prone to screw ups or refusal to pay than any for profit health insurance company. The point here is if people can't be required to buy insurance it follows that hospitals should be off the hook for treating them. Cruel, maybe but if there's a principle involved it should cut both ways. Let's discuss!

Would this laptop be able to play sims 2 and spore without freezing?

yes both of the games will work fine with your pc.. i have a still lower model pc and both the games works in it fine in mine.. so it should in yours also..

Acid Reflux or Colic?

Most doctors will tell you that if it is reflux to put cereal in the bottle and this helps believe me! always burp the baby too, try gas drops. They also have medicine for babies with reflux so try to get that.

Chihuahuas-9wks-vaccinations..… is it and what are side effects?

I don't give my chihuahua pups any of their shots until they are over a pound. They give the same dose to a 1/2 lb chi pup as to an adult St Bernard. Also you should keep the tiny pup until it is at least a pound. One thing you really need to watch for right now is hypoglycemia(low blood sugar). Specially with the little one. Buy some puppy NUTRICAL from the vet and pet store and give it some in the morning and at night. As far as the vaccines go, make sure they do not have the vaccine for Lepto in it. That is the one that causes the most adverse reactions. If they do have a reaction, their face will swell, and the throat can be closed off where they can't breathe, also they can break out with a rask all over the body.

How much clothing should a person own?

Ok I am a junier in highschool and i dont think i have enough clothing. Everyone in my school has A LOT OF CLOTHING. Even the guys. I see a person rewear there clothing a couple times a month. Ok I have 2-3 pairs of jeans, and 3 name brand sweats. I keep having the wash them throughout the week or I run out. I rewear pants about twice a week. I have 3 plaid shirts, 2 vests, and a half vest. I dont even have a winter jacket. Would a northface be ok all winter in ny temp? There on sale for 50 bucks on a corner store. I have one dress and no leggings. I have 2 winter boots, converse, puma sneakers, and 1 pair of flipflops. I have 4 sweatshirts, and about 20 shirts. Most are cheap looking ugley shirts I refuse to wear. I only have 6-7 shirts I will wear. Some of my clothing doesnt even fit anymore. I am going to the mall black friday togo shopping with my friend. My mom is giving me 100$ to spend. What should I get to complete my look? O yeah while I am asking this question any good hair cut and style ideas. Hair styles for people who dont know what there doing thanks

How detrimental is feminism to boys' educational opportunities?

Nearly all those boys who enter college on sports scholarships don't even graduate anyway. They're just looking to eventually join the pros. Most are definitely not college material and don't even have to attend their cles. That's what I don't think is fair. College should be for learning, not sports. There's nothing wrong with having sports but they should not be the main focus and they are way overvalued in our society.

Does the pendulum on a clock slow down by itself?

Is the first swing on a pendulum clock unstable? Or does the pendulum keep the exact same speed from period (swing) 1?

Does trading for Rolen seem dumb?

You could make an argument either way. I don't understand all the criticism that Glaus gets really. He is an offensive machine when healthy, and he's an adequate defender. Besides, his health problems are nowhere near as chronic as Rolen's are. If you think Rolen is healthy, then the Jays got the better of the deal. However, if you think he's done, then the Cards swindled the poor Jays for a postseason hero and middle of the order power bat. Until the season starts, it's all speculation.

Can anyone of you please confirm wether we can export rice flour from India. Iam in need of this help. Pls hlp

If you have a buyer why not. As long as both countries had a open economy there is no issue if there is a market for the product.

How do I clean the skid marks out of my undies?

So seriously I promise I totally wipe after I go number two but after I changed I notice big, dirty skid marks. I try washing them out with normal laundry detergent but it doesn't come out. My friend told my to use a mix of bleach and lighter fluid but I think he was joking but I'm not. Help?

What Michael Bolton song is this?

the best song he has is called can i touch you there--its hot [i sound corney 4 knowing this song--but its hot--look it up

Is Mr Garrison gay in the end?

This is a hard question to answer, in the recent seasons mr.garrison isn't shown to be gay but there is no indication of him being straight. the creator's have it laid out so far that mr. garrison doesn't like the idea of ity but is still ual as well. To answer your question he is not gay in the latest episodes, he is also not straight so i guess there actually is no answer.

Two Priests, a Rabbi, and a Duck...?

Ok i watch Gilmore Girls a lot and they always talk about Two Priests, a Rabbi, and a Duck and i have no clue what it means! most people think it is "they walk into a bar and the bartender exclaims, 'You gotta be kidding me!'" well i know for a fact that that is not the joke i am looking for. lol if you know it(and i think its a dirty joke as well, but that's OK) please tell me! my friend and i have been looking for it EVERYWHERE and have yet to find it. thanks! :)

Monday, August 15, 2011

Will this laptop run games?

It would help to know what games you want to run. It won't run the latest and greatest games, but basic or older games should be fine please?

There's this new guy in my school, I see him every day and we even share a cl. The first time I saw him I found myself very infatuated. Every time I p him in the halls, or see him in cl, my heart feels like it skips a beat. I know it can't be true love because I don't know him all that well, I really only know his name. I'm too shy to talk to him but I want to send out signals that I might be interested, but I'm afraid because I've been through a relationship that ended with my heart being broken, sounds really sappy, I know. And he probably wouldn't be interested anyway, or maybe he is, I don't know. Every time he looks up, I look down and pretend not to notice. Any advice on what to do?

What should I cook my girlfriend for our last date before college?

My girlfriend and I have been together for over a year and a half, and tomorrow is our last date before she leaves for college. I planned a big day for her; we're going out to breakfast and then the beach for lunch, and then we'll come home where I'll cook her a 'surprise' dinner. After that, we'll snuggle up on the couch and watch a movie before we fall asleep. So, keeping in mind that I'm a jobless 18-year-old with not a terrible amount of time to cook (I'd say about an hour of cooking time with a budget of 50 dollars), can anyone suggest a good appetizer and main course combo (I already have a dessert made: my specialty chocolate mousse) that will look and taste great?

Which bag should I buy?

I'm 12 and going into 6th grade and I saw this purple roxy bag purple is my favourite colour but I also saw this multi coloured ripcurl bag which one should I get? Thanks.

What can I do about my mom? she belittle me to the point that I feel like I can't do anything for myself ?

I'm a 24 years old and a new mom. My mother and I have not had a good relationship since I started college and graduated. i put myself through school. she did everything within her power to make me fail. she belittles me and tells me i have not done anything good. Of all the headache and heartache I went through the past five years. I ended up with panic attacks. my therapist says its because of trauma. to make my story short. i got married and am a new mom and despite all that my mother did and called me i still found a way to have a relationship with her. i love her but she says does thing to just make me feel so little of myself . she takes my power of being a human from me . Now that am a mother myself I want to have a better relationship with her but I do not see that happening . why? i had my baby two weeks ago with a c-section. my mother came and isted me . she has been there for me but she makes feel like i do not know what am doing. she makes fun of me how I do not know how to change a diaper appropriately. since she did not offer to help my selfesteem of being a new mom was high but now its so low that i feel like i can not do anything. i'm so sacared of being a mom. this was one thing i thought i could be better at. i feel so scared of taking care of my newborn because i feel like everything am doing is wrong. tell me has anyone ever make you feel this way about yourself? what did you do? please help.

To married couples: what advice do you have about love and to ladies near their mid 20's?

Rejection is a part of life and we all deal with it occasionally. Brush off the past and move on. Dwelling on something like this is pointless and immature. Relax, be yourself and refuse to give this matter another moments thought.

Genetic Preferences?

As we learn to read DNA better, there could be a desire to have children who are more insurable--less likely to have traits that would contribute to anything from cancer in later life to alcoholism, even depression. But there is an economic disadvantage to having people who outlive their usefulness long enough to require a great amount of end-of-life care, so there might be a policy-driven desire to have citizens who could remain healthy and productive until 80 and then die rather quickly.

Why can't buses as they move off have a recording that warns "Hold very tight please-Ding Ding"?

Like Bus Conductors used to call out. Old people still looking for a seat are thrown about when the bus moves off suddenly.

DSM-V Is coming out in 2011!!!!!!!!!!!!????

Is it cool!? What are some New Mental Disorders you are expecting in the new edition? (It's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders ) a href="" rel="nofollow" and a href="" rel="nofollow" for more info.!

What you think of old fashioned baby names?

What you call 'old fashioned' I call clics. Clics will fade and then return to the spotlight time and time again over the course of history. Names like Katherine, Mary, and John will never truly go out of fashion, they can comfortably return to popularity pretty much forever - Check out Isabel, Sophia, and Olivia, that a couple of years ago were considered 'old fashioned' and are now among the most popular girls names. Such names have legs that will carry them through past flash in the pan trends like Nevaeh, which will soon fall into obscurity.

Can you appraise my computer?

I would guess around $250-$300. Take the sound card out and either sell it separately or keep it for a future build since it contributes nothing to the value of the computer - 95% of people don't care if the sound is dedicated or integrated.

Health Insurance - Private vs Group Policy for small home-based business? - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.

For those who watched Gossip Girl, School Lies, please answer this poll?!?

If you watched on the cw from 8 to 9 last night, the new Gossip Girl School Lies was on and there was a preview for next week's show. Do you think Blair's pregnant with Nate or Chuck's baby or is she even pregnant at all? Thanks!

Cant feel my legs when trying to fall asleep?

when im laying down trying to fall asleep i have to start moving my legs bc i cant feel them.. not lke they fell asleep more like theyre not even their.. its realy hard to slepe worrying about it to..

Could 2014 be the best HOF inductee cl ever?

Depending on how the baseball writers feel, the 2013 group could have 6. With the PED controvesy concerning Bonds, Clemens, Sosa, and Piazza, Craig Biggio could end up with the most votes. Curt Schilling has a slightly better chance than Mussina and would be the 6th. I don't think Sosa will get in but I am very curious to see the vote results for Bonds and Clemens.

Can I move to Japan after I graduate from college and get a good job as a Astro-biologist?

I live in the U.S. if that changes anything. I want to know if i can live there permanently. It would help a lot if you answered. My whole future depends on it. Please give a detailed Answer. I want to graduate from Cornell and move to Japan and become an Astro-biologist.

What is the term for when a trademark becomes a generic part of language?

Frisbee, band-aid, etc....they're often used as generic terms even though they're still trademarks. Is there a term, legal or not, term of art of not, for when this occurs?

Why are people so anoying?

I GENUINELY cant understand why? do they do it on purpose, do they not understand? i feel bad for always claiming that these people are imbecile's for saying what they say and thinking what they think but its true they don't have any intellect and that just leads to annoyance because one cant have a proper conversation with them.

Trying to trade Portis?

I'm trying to trade Clinton Portis in my fantasy football pool for a decent wide out as behind fitz i have very little substance and my rb depth is pretty solid(not to mention portis' lackluster play hasn't exactly helped me) I offered him up for moss and jennings in seperate deals, but was as expected rejected by both owners. More realistically who should I be trying to grab? (My other wide outs that I already have are Bowe, Evans, Hester and my other RB's are Thomas, Grant, Rice and Smith)

Which u2 song has more relevance?


Correct statistical test?

For a piece of A2 Biology coursework, I need a statistical test for my data. In the investigation, I measured the sizes of barancles up a cross-profile of a beach, and compared it to their location. i was testing to see whether there was any correlation between height up the beach and size. Is there a suitable test for this?

Put existing house under a company.?

I currently own couple rental properties, so I decided to form a LLC to hold those ets, my question is: How do I transfer the properties into my company?

Determine the molality given mole fraction.?

Determine the molality of a solution of water dissolved in ethanol for which the mole fraction of water is 0.25

Should I buy from a breeder or adopt from a shelter?

I am confused about buying from a breeder vs adopting from a shelter. I am concerned with health issues (that most breeders test for) whereas shelter pups could run into some issues. It would break my heart to have to put down a puppy/dog for hip dysplasia very young...I have seen it as young as 2 years old. I felt that by finding a breeder that is very careful and does a lot of testing it would save me the heartache.Do shelters take the time to check out the pups nowadays?

The other day I jotted down a list of things I'd like to experience in life, now I wonder if I'm crazy?

you sound like you like you have no respect for human life with the jumping off bridges and watching people die. very worrying. i think you should make a new list.

Do you believe that when you die you will be punished somehow for wrongdoings to others?

For example, the 9/11 attackers or past royalty of monarchies who beheaded their wives. Or does everyone get away with it all wrongdoings scott-free in this life and the next if any?

Help me pleeease...i made a boy cry ?

i made a boy cry today.....well i through this paper at him and my friend lied to him tht it was a dude who was walkin by......then he started cryin cuz he thought everyone hates him.....i didn't mean to make him cry..he was really tall like more than 6 feet nd he's a special kind of person whatever you call them tht are kind of mentally diffrent....i threw the paper at him as a joke cuz my friend dared me too nd his friend (who i like) saw me throwin the paper at him nd i'm kind of embarrased....what should i do??

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Are you glad your kid gets to buy your neighbor another new car?

They think its funny now wait until there kids are still living at home when they are 30, this is how stupid some are, where do you think that money came from you stupid moron to pay for that care, and you buy a toyota? We the American people would like to thank you....stupid.

History Questions! (not homework) 10 points!! Multiple choice!! Studying and need 2nd opinions! Pls Help?

OK if you want a "second opinion" show us YOUR choices first. Then we can tell you if you're right or wrong. Otherwise, it just looks like you're wanting us to do your homework for you.

How should i ask her about without insulting her ?? hlp plz?

i met this girl a while back and she has some kind if bruise/bump on her lip it looks nothing like a cold sore but i dont know what it is and were starting to date now n before we kiss i want to know what it is how should i ask her without being mean and insulting her or etc

Can anyone Explain which is stronger: Hydrochloric Acid or Sulphuric Acid and why?

Please give reasons as to why you think its stronger cause I believe their PH level is roughly the same...



Will you miss Paula Abdul from American Idol?

no. i only watch the 1st few episodes of AI to see the really bad, funny auditions. Then I stop watching.

Can a married man ever forget a deeply emotional affair he had? My husband said he has.?

I doubt that he's really over her. And I doubt he will stay away from her in the long run in that he told he that "she was the one for him". I don't hold out a lot of hope for your relationship in the long term.

Where can I get free printable piano sheet music for "The music box dancer"?

Sorry but this song is COPYRIGHTED which means that it is ILLEGAL to download the sheet music for free!!!

My teen neighbor keeps trying to seduce me. How should I handle this?

I'm single and 25 and just bought my first house over the summer. It's a nice neighborhood (I'm an engineer) and I get along fine with my neighbors, even though I am young enough to be many of their kids. Anyway my backyard neighbors have this teen daughter (she's 17 and a senior in HS) that obviously is infatuated with me...she keeps dropping by when she sees me outside and I let her use my pool all summer, and well I can tell by what she wears when she comes over and just how she acts (I mean I'm a guy so I know when a girl is coming on to me). I have been nothing but polite but I admit this girl is very pretty/has a great body, etc., like a lot of HS girls. Anyway I don't want to do anything but I really don't want to ask her parents to keep her away from me or anything. Should I just deal with her being around and just continue to do my best to be the responsible adult? I want to do the right thing, but I recognize there is the possibility that something may happen between us if we keep spending so much time in the same vicinity...ya know?? Oh in case you are wondering I was engaged for a couple years but we called it off (mutually) in the spring and I've been bach'ing it since I have no permanent GF right now. Some advice would be appreciated.

Best quality option video and audio from single hdmi output on blu-ray player?

I would like to connect my blu-ray Samsung BD-P1600 (single HDMI output) to my Vizio HDTV directly via hdmi to get the improved video processing vs. my receiver (Pioneer 919) while still able to connect via HDMI to get true hd audio on my receiver. I see all kinds of hdmi splitters but they seem to be for some other purpose (ie connecting single video source to 2 tv's). Would these work (well) to get audio on my receiver and video on my tv? Is there another solution other than using optical for audio?

I dont know what to do about my wedding?!!?

I would suggest you contact the local chamber of commerce - a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a I looked for an Ellis County Chamber of Commerce, but looked like the site was down and they don't have much info anyway... call the Waxahachie Chamber and ask them about venues. Chances are... they have events all year long and know just where to send you for the amount of people you have... also ask them about caterers, decorators, music/bands... everything. I work for a chamber as the events coordinator. I know my area well. Use their resources!! Good luck!

Why do I keep getting these money e-mails?

it is a scam. there are places in Africa that international laws just can not reach whether it be many reasons or they just can not trace the people involved but they sent out spams emails to hundreds of people hoping they can get a few to give them there back account numbers so they can deplete there accounts.

Should I make a trade for Dwayne bowe or Wes welker?

I want to trade brandon marshall and a bench RB, here's my team: QB rodgers, WR's marshall, V-jack, and Anthony gonzalez, RB's forte and gant, TE cooley, D jets, bench is addai, Lance moore, hleback, sproles, shonn greene, green bay D. What should I trade to get bowe or welker.

What are Edgar Allan Poe's important values? 10 POINTS?

The title says it all. I need a whole bunch of his important values too. CAN YOU PLEASE HELP ME! My essay is due on Monday and it has to be 4 pages, with a movie poster, front cover, outline, 3 poems, 4 sources, and other stuff. Please help me! I'll give the person 10 points for the best answer! Thank you sooooooooo much!!

(MakeUp) MAC Vs. BellaPierre ?!!?

BellaPierre...I've used their products since I was 14 and it makes my skin feel and look great. MAC is overrated in my opinion.

What if I go to church drunk?

My friend and I both have to go to church. Our parents are all going 2gether and everything. He has a flask of whiskey he's bringing over and were gonna drink some b4 church. Could we get in trouble?

Can you get it on itunes?

can you buy caitlin crosby's song 'imperfect is the new perfect' on itunes? im not sure if its there

Did anyone read the celtic games report from yesterday?

Read tgew reopt but it don't mean nothin, it was only a friendly just like the huns last week.We'll have to be muhc better against Arsenal.

USD or Dong currency?

it's better that you brings the USD then exchange in most of the jewelry places or even at the hotels of where are planning to's not true that they only accept must've mis-informed by of now $1 USD = 21,000VND that will give you the idea.most of the hotels will give less values of the exchange rate..good luck and have fun in VN...take care

Is internet regulation by the government on its way?

The statement: i really do fear that these are coordinated efforts by the government and corporations to '' control, regulate '' the internet ? How about the real truth that this will control people, not the Internet. Even the US Presidents wants it set up so when you log onto the Internet it will automatically Identify who you are and monitor all the activity you do on the Internet. So rumor has it. They already have the ability to shut it down to the point you can not communicate outside the country you live in, so how much power is simply too much power would be a better question.

My friends always taking lunch/stuff from my locker?

You need to either sit down and have a talk with your friends and let them know exactly what you think, or you need to have the lock changed on your locker or it will continue to happen. Another alternative is to just carry your notebooks and lunch with you in a book/messenger bag.

Is paint toxic to pets, specifically dogs?

While getting my house painted, my dog got into the paint. She got it all over her paws and legs. Is paint toxic for dogs if they ingest it? I had put her outside so she wouldn't get in the way of the painter. She started scratching at the back door and the painter let her in (just in case anyone wonders how I could be so shockingly stupid; it wasn't me, it was the painter).

I need help on my julius ceasar paper!!!?

I have to write a one-page response about julius ceasar's anation. I just need a few ideas maybe. it would really help

Does anyone know where i can find a good website that sells wholesale shoes!!!!!!!!?

ok well i am trying to put a small shoe business in a flea market where i can sell good brandname shoes like nike, adiddas , puma, ect. please help i am on a low budget

What's the best freeware video converter for Nexus One?

I need a freeware software to convert any kind of videos to the proper format for my Nexus One (MP4 format, 800x480 resolution). What's the best software for that?

What were five reasons why the watergate scandal cover up made nixon resign?

Watergate started with burglars trying to break into a psychologist's office to get dirt on one of his clients whom Nixon wanted to discredit. At first Nixon denied any knowledge, but money found on them was traced to funds connected to the White House. Ultimately it came out that Nixon had directed their actions, paid them, knew all about it, and tried to conceal this knowledge and use the CIA to block an FBI investigation. This was a combination of felonies: conspiracy, obstructing justice, etc. He faced impeachment, and was sure to be removed from office. By resigning he at least kept his pension.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

How do I figure out if a friend of mine is gay, and if he likes me or not?

This will sound like decadent, but I recently discovered that alcohol is a veritaserum. Drink a fair amount of alcohol, like two gles or so, and make a jolly atmosphere with giggles or jokes, then if I understood correctly, he will reach for you. And then ask: "Do you like me?". He will hesitate probably, but then you say, "It's ok, I would like to know". You will get an answer. If he's been lying, you will notice a change in his mood, he will become kind of quick-tempered. I have used this method twice, one for a guy I liked and one for a guy that I thought that liked me. But nothing happened in either time, the first guy was straight and the other was gay, but it was just his attitude. But the method is just great.

Freeview box, connection advice?

im having a new ariel fitted so that i can get a freeview box. at the moment ive got a video recorder and a dvd player attached to the tv. when i get my freeview box do i need one with 2scart holes or will it be ok with one?

Thoughts on an Immaculate Heart tattoo on a spiritual albeit non-catholic?

So I am contemplating my next tattoo, a chest piece centered around an Immaculate Heart. I feel conflicted because although I am spiritual and believe in a higher power, I don't ascribe to any one religion. My beliefs are more of a combination of many religions including Catholicism . I really love the image and symbolism but am curious what others think.

Did swine flu mutate in ukraine?

i heard it had mutated in ukraine is that true? then i heard it hadnt from WHO. can someone tell me what the heck is up

Who would you pick for a backup role in a fantasy league?

McCoy for sure. The patriots have like 5 running backs, you never know whos gonna perform or get the most carries for that matter.

What can I do to keep my hair from smelling burnt after I straighten it?

I just bought a Chi Air flat iron about a week ago. I have really thick curly hair that frizzes bad and the Chi works wonders on it. It leaves my hair soft and smooth. But today when I was showering I noticed my hair smelled badly burnt. I didn't notice the smell until I got my hair wet. I use a heat protecting spray from John Frieda which I spray right before I straighten it. I also use a serum (can't remember the brand) after I straighten it and I go over it once more to look in the serum. I don't know if that's what is causing the smell. Also I dyed my hair the same day I bought the flat iron. I was wondering if the smell is from the dye. So anyone have a clue?

How do you get desktop items off that keep reappearing from desktop after you deleting them?

every time i turn on my computer there are 6 desktop items that i keep deleting and every time i open anything they just keep re-appearing? where are they coming from and how do i erase them from my system, permanently?

Wireless thermostats for control of home heat steam boiler?

We want to replace the present wired thermostat with one that is wireless. Which of the commonly available units have wireless transmitter/receivers very free of interference from other wireless devices in an urban (NYC) environment? If better interference freedom is required, are these available units adjustable?

Baby boy name - which do you like?

I like Aiden and Ethan the best out of those. They're not the same name that every other boy has (although it looks like you like a lot of uncommon names, which is awesome) and they just sound nice. For some reason, I always like 2-syllable names the best.

PLEASE HELP my baby isn't moving?

Have a sugary sweet and some cold water, lay on your left side (get oxygen around you body quicker) and rub your hand over him on your belly. If he doesn't wake up in a few hours call you midwife so they can check you out, hopefully he's just been lazy and will pick up soon!

I soaked white millet this evening, should I feed the soaked seeds tom. morning?

these seeds are for my finches and lovebirds.. any other food to serve for my birds? thanks for any suggestions..

How do you make a myspace URL name with CAPITOL letters in it?

hey is this even possible anymore these days ? ive done it back in like what was it, 2006 or 07" ?

Late in the news: whatever happened to ariel sharon? is he still in the hospital?

After suffering a mive stroke in January of 2006, former Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon has been in a persistent vegetative state. He was born in Feb of 1928 making him 80 years old. I would imagine that he is receiving hospice care.

Which football boots are better from these two NIKE CTR360 LIBERITTO or ADIDAS PREDATOR X ABSOLADO?

I'm currently wearing the CTR360 II and can vouch for its comfort. I've been really pleased as it didn't take any wearing in, was comfortable straight away.

Micrsoft Word 2007 Question?

I have to make a flyer for a compuer applications cl. It has a line under the title, which they call a signature line. When I go to signature line it only lets me put one with a X that is actually meant for someone to sign. Where can I find just a regular line? (not just underline the title, but a line)

Sports tickets on Craigslist?

I'm interested in buying premium tickets for a major sports event, and have looked in various places, including Craigslist. I found extremely good tickets for what appears to be about $200 less than similar tickets I have seen elsewhere. The seller offers tickets to every game of the season in quantities of up to 10 and is only contactable by phone (area code is familiar). How wary should I be of this type of deal?

I have alot of hair (on my head lol)how do i make it look like zac efrons?

it grows really quickly and its dark brown i wanna get it to look more like zac efron ill post a pic of me eventually

Should I bother talking to this person?

don't bother with him,he just wanted some .if his new GF leave him, he will talk to you again.find some other friends and don't care about him anymore

Just got my BFP!!!! How should I tell my husband?

Have her draw something like "Im gonna have a sibling!!!" And have her draw mommy with a big belly! Congrats!!

Pick 2 RB to start week 7?

well i have both mathews,who i think can get me at least 20 points this week and dewill playing for me this week,i took out ryan torain for dewill,sumting gives me the feeling he will get sumtin like 16 at least,but you have ray rice against the bills in baltimore,and there is no way u can sit him in this matchup really,so i would say rice and mathews get the go

In a gay marriage, do both partners take each others names?

Like say Sue Crane & Kim Smith got married? How do they determine who gets which name? Or do they take each other's names...Sue Crane-Smith & Kim Smith-Crane, or do they flip a coin to see whose name comes first, since families share the same last name? I figure if it's a fem & a butch, the fem would get the butch's last name, like Rosie O'Donnell & her partner, but what about 2 fems? Or 2 butches?

Iwant to improve our english language , therefore ineed some body ,prefer girl, native english , contact us?

F off you predator before i draw a bead on you and your kin i'm tired of you people running scams on innocent american women and if this keeps up much longer i'm comeing over there myself you won't even have your third world countries cuase you will be nothing but flesh floating through space

McFadden doesn't fall past Atlanta at 3...?

People think Darren McFadden will fall to 4-6-8 but i see Falcons JUMPING on him ( even thou they just signed M.Turner) i see the "new NFL" 2 back offense working VERY well in Atlanta...hes a return man (lost Hall he was the return game) plus he can catch out of back field,block,throw.....Atlanta WILL NOT p on a Homerun..they cant....who will help Falcons more in long run a DL (dorsey ,Ellis) or a FAN favorite McFadden?....

How do i begin in's creed brotherhood?

Go to the map and I find something, I forgot what it is called, but you don't need any feathers. Also you find Leonardo like half way through the game when you help get his machine gun. Good Luck!

Does anyone know if the UGG dakota slipper stretches out?

I'm a size 9 in UGG boots and they eventually stretched out a little. I just got the ugg dakota in size 9 and it's rather tight when I'm wearing thicker socks, I'm just wondering if it will stretch out so it will be comfortable or not? Thank you so much.

Help I need money for college any answers?

I am attending college soon and i need help paying for it. I have been looking for scholarships but I cant find too many. I have also looked fro grants but when I do the websites take me to scholarships not grants. I dont have good credit so I need a co signer and I dont have anyone who can help me what can I do?

What do you know about cadidate Mitt Romney?

Thank you for writing a positive political question. If he was governor of MA, he's probably more progressive than many members of the GOP. I would be interested in hearing some positive statements about any candidate.

Who would u rather have on your team?

Well being that i got to watch Devin Harris for a couple seasons . No one can match up with his speed, he may not have the most ists in games but he can definitley run the court like no other, he also is a great defender with proof being when they played the spurs he shut down Mr.Tony Parker all day long.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Please read the start of my book tell me what you think?

To repetitive, and boring. Nothing in there makes me want to read more. And from the way the narrator speaks I doubt that she or he is even a tad bit smarter than me.

Who (name and rank) was the highest ranking U.S POW in history?

I was watching a movie, which was supposed to be based on fact, (Vietnam era) and one of the POW's was a rear admiral. Not sure if he was a US officer, but most of the other POWs were US officers. I was somewhat shocked, since I thought that in modern warfare such high ranking officers are far from the action. A navy Rear Admiral is like an army Brig. General, is he not? Any thoughts?

Can you name some famous novels (1990's - present)?

Harry Potter series, Twilight saga, Da Vinci Code, Stephen King's books.. Could you name more modern books? They don't have to be very famous.

Is it possible that Felix Hernandez would be traded this off season?

Is it possible? Sure. The Mariners aren't going anywhere for the next 5-10 years so they might as well trade the star players on the team to a contender and start rebuilding over completely like the Pirates and Athletics did. If King Felix does get traded, teams that could use an elite pitcher of King Felix's caliber like the Mets, Twins, Tigers, Marlins, Rockies or Dodgers should make a move for him. The Red Sox and Yankees don't really need him since the Red Sox have Beckett, Lester, Lackey and Buchholz while the Yankees have Sabathia, Pettitte, Hughes and soon-to-be-Yankee Cliff Lee.

Divorced? Plz can u share your experience if you remarried?

I'm in a devastating marriage for 3 years now! My husband never loved me... I never felt loved.... I'm in a stage where i have no hopes at all after having done everything possible...Yes Arranged marriage! I think i want out badly...! But too many things overtake my descision...!! Like: What next? What about the baby? Better with him than alone... People... Maybe if i remarrry then as they say all marriages have problems... so why not stick here atleast i'm happy to see my daughter happy... i might not b happy to see my daughter suffering ever if i remarry...! Have you ever been through something like this? How do you feel about it if you look back on those years??????????

Dear United States, You gave us Miley Cyrus, now we give you Justin Bieber. Sincerely, Canada + WQ(INSIDE)?

Lol i didn't even know bieber was canadian ....ummm Shawn Micheals because he can put one hell of a show no offense but Bieber Sucks and So Does MIley but some of her songs are cool "some"

Puppy toilet training not going so well..... help please.?

Hi, my pup is 10 weeks old have had her for only just a few days due to not being wanted at her previous place, how could i say no she is adorable anyway this is my 1st pup so very new to all this. Right, ive been keeping her in my kitchen at night time with paper to pee pee on and 4 blankets for her to snuggle to, she will happily pee and poo on the paper the whole night but as soon as she is out the kitchen she will just go where ever she is standing, she is half pom half chihuahua so very small so i hardly ever actually catch her in the act which is making things so hard, when i have found the accidents i don't tell her off as I don't want confuse her, anyone had the same problems. She also really cries when i go out the room, is this normal? she usually stops after 10-15mins of going bonkers to start again at 4.30 in the morning, Thanks in advance

How to get that cute surfer/snowboarder girl style?

like bree kleintop (she's a roxy surfer). this might be kinda random but i saw her on a pacsun bag and i just love her style. i already shop at pacsun and ski and i'm learning to surf. i go to the beach all the time and love it. but any tips personality/fashion-wise? and please no stuff on "being myself" cause this is me i'm just asking for tips lol no big deal :)

Most bodies orbit the sun in the same plane, but the Oort cloud is apparently spherical. Is that right? Why?

Presumably, if the Oort cloud is spherical, the material within it must be orbiting the sun in every possible orientation. How did it get this way, when everything else in the solar system orbits roughly in the plane of the ecliptic? Why isn't the Oort cloud a torus rather than a sphere?

Where can i find pretty boots for really cheap NOT UGG?

Target, Payless, TJ Maxx, Ross, Marshall's, Emu Boots, Garage Sales, I have seen some at New York and Co., Delia's, Old Navy, Walmart.

Can someone explain this extreme couponing thing. I just cant figure it out?

Ok so I started clipping. For example they have country crock er on sale for 2.99 at winn dixie. And I so happen to have a 40 cents coupon. but that is still over two dollars for er. How are these people getting things for a couple of cents? I just dont get it.

Why are my finches still incubating their eggs?

i have a zebra finch and society finch. a few days ago she laid 3 eggs and now they keep laying on them. is there any way they are fertile? they look like healthy eggs. i realize theyre two different species, which is why im confused...

Who wants a home cooked meal?

I'll be glad to come over for a home cooked meal. Your funny "beat up little helpers" ha ha. I never cook from scratch every thing I cook comes in a box or can. My grandma, may her soul rest in peace, made flat bread from scratch. It was the best bread I ever had.

Which Country is the best place to obtain Bachelor's Degree in Accountancy? Pls help?

you may take Bachelor's degree in accountancy from any country whose degree is recognized internationally.

Help with chemistry online? atomic weight?

The atomic weight of antimony is 121.75 u. There are two naturally occurring isotopes of antimony. 121Sb has an isotopic m of 120.9038 u and has a natural abundance of 57.25%. What is the isotopic m of the other isotope 123Sb? i just need the answer not how to do it. thanks

Help:just crashed into pole driving home?

Well it could be antifreeze leaking out of the radiator since the rad is most likely to break in that kind of collision. If the radiator is empty you will have to add coolant to eliminate engine damage but if just down a bit you can still drive since it won't over heat easy in the cold, just loosen your rad cap so that the system won't pressure up and that way the coolant won't leak as fast. I would recommend checking your other fluids as well. As for the accident it is hard to say, you at least can blame road conditions but then they will say you were driving too fast for conditions o it is your fault but still it isn't the worst situation to be in since you do have insurance and you were not hurt just be thankful for that. Now you could drive the car out on some back road and then report it stolen, the cops will find it and blame the damage on a joy rider, your insurance will cover it and it won't be your fault........ but then that is insurance fraud so it is your choice..... Good luck!

Comparative Balance Sheet homework problem?

There's no way anyone can type common size comparative balance sheets in this space. You should have given your email address so that serious answerers can communicate with you.

I'm gay and have fallen in love w/ Sean Faris!?

The moment I saw on screen, I just completely fell infatuated with Sean. I think he's absolutely beautiful and everything I could want to find in a guy. I still wish & hope to find a great-looking, masculine. muscular guy like him. I'm more on the slim-build side (but hey, everyone has a type/preference). Am I crazy to feel this way?

Wikipedia is worst off with moderators than without.?

Who cares, it's only wikipedia, don't make a huge deal out of it. And this isn't really a question either

I just met my Work oisiate?

we work in 2 different areas but we have talked on the phone to each other while at work, and she jokes and i make her laugh... we finally met today for the 1st time, i worked on her laptop and we talked alot about each others lives.. she played with her hair, kept stoking it and would pay attention to me speak. My question is, should i wait till after the weekend to ask her out or ask her today... Thanks

In the film "once", what did the female musician say in Czech when the male musician said, "do you love him?"

Movie is currently playing in select theaters. It is an independent film and takes place in Ireland.

Venules and venuoles the same?

I'm doing BTEC P.E theory cardiovascular ignment and I have a checklist of tasks to complete but it says describe the structure and function of 'venuoles' I was wondering if that is the same as 'venules' because I can only find information on venules, not 'venuoles' maybe it's just a typo? So are venules and venuoles the same thing

Car insurance claim but no MOT?

my partner had a crash today and it was totally the other persons fault as my parter was indicating to turn right and some idiot tried to overtake him on the right , hitting his side. the police said not probs its totally the other persons fault and we claim off his insurance not ours but when the police checked the car they discoved the mot ran out a month ago, my partner explained we though we had updated it and they were fine about , prob believed us as we had tax and insurance, they dont worry just tell your insurance about the crash. i know car insurance is not vaild but surely its okay if its only the other person paying out? car in the garage and does not seem to be any probs so you think we will be ok, it really was a genuine over sight

What will happen to Irish Flotilla2 currently sailing to Gaza if they surrender for weapon search?

can you tell what will happen to the Irish/Malaysian-owned vessel - MV Rachel Corrie currently sailing to Gaza now if the activist surrender to Israel army for weapon search in israel port.

Who should I drop for Jay Bruce?

You have a decent team, but little pop. I would say lose Cano or Delmon Young. If you can pick up Jay Bruce then I would say trade Matt Kemp while his value is high. Trade him for some starting pitching because your starting pitching is just not winning very many games. You have a good team on paper, they just aren't getting it done. And you have too many 3rd basemen on your roster as well as outfielders. You should pick up another catcher, maybe Mike Napoli, and either a second baseman or shortstop. Akinora Iwamura would be a good choice at second or if Howie Kendrick is available hes about to come of the DL, and for SS you could pick up Yunel Escobar or Cristian Guzman if they are available.

Why is he doing this? can u tell me?

You should do what your heart tells you to do. If you think meeting up with him will hurt you more, then don't. But if you can handle it and try to make your guys' friendship work again without getting heartbroken over him then by all means go for it.

Why does religious theology through human error slandering the kingdom of heaven a place of perfection?

How can they possibly use a scripture to put sin and war (violence) in heaven? Aren't they simply misinterpreting Revelations chapter 12 because they are not taught or led by the Holy Spirit? The bible is a test and how we interpret it reveals what state we are our selves are in. The letter kills but the Spirit gives life?

Help- i need so many answers?

So I applied to a university online and I called to see i they received it when i sent it weeks later because I never got a decision. NOW they tell me they NEVER got it and that I CANT apply again? Did anyone ever have a situation like this and what do I do? I really wnat to transfer to this college its my dream school

Why won't Syria allow foreign press into the country as it blows up into civil war?

Because the idiot "foreign press" are not interested. There is no oil in Syria. We do not want to build an oil pipeline through Syria. Therefore no governnment gives a flyingfuuck.

Need advice/suggestions on my singing (youtube link)?

I think it's a working progress, nice song by the way! :) Some parts of it are a bit sharp or flat, in other words slightly off key. When you sing, it's best if you're standing with your feet slightly apart in line with your shoulders, which should be slightly back. You could be great with vocal lessons, they're really not that scary and help a lot!

My girlfriend doesnt fell the same way as before?

I was just in the same situation, except I felt that way about my boyfriend. As hard as it is, your best bet is to talk it out and maybe take a break. It's not fair for either of you if you don't feel the same way.

Physics help!! about pendulums. ?

A pendulum of length 50cm is pulled 30cm away from the vertical axis and released from rest. What will be its speed at the bottom of its swing?

What should i ask for {for christmas}?

No offense, but you have WAY more stuff than I do. I'm almost 17 and I don't have half that stuff. So I think you shouldn't get anything. You can't think of what you want because there's nothing you don't have.

Reggie miller vs the best laker team ?

i just saw a reggie miller scoring 33 on the best laker team ever embled. prime kobe and prime shaq. he even won two games against the lakers. Is he the best shooting guard and superstar in the nba in that time?? i give him credit. cmon.... he didnt have no one and still won 2 games. they say that laker team is better than the 2009 team of kobe , gasol and artest. i want your opinion please. also how many points would reggie score on the 2009 lakers if they were in reggie millers final?

Thursday, August 11, 2011




oh i used it i think it didn't make my skin better but it kept anything else from coming i think if i was more patient and waited longer it would have worked better, my fav is velocity its a moisterizer and face wash with a benzel peroxide cream, in my opinion it works with almost any skin type. Me, my 2 friends, my 2 sisters, and my cousin uses it and we all have very good skin :D

How many future terrorists were deterred by Obama's speech on Islam at Cairo?

If anything his speech only confirmed the weakness of our current leader and encouraged more attacks since they think now w/ a pansy in the oval office its open season on Americans...

Who to drop for Freddie Freeman?

I would pick up Freeman or Calos Pena.But I guess I would go with Freeman.He has a little less rbi's and home runs,but he has a better average.If Pena comes around I would pick him up. Right now, I would go with Freeman.I wouldn't pick up Mark Hamilton. You really don't know if he will do good.

Grade 9 Science [Biology] Lab Help?

The "control" is what you compare the experimental group to, since you want to know if the pollutants made any difference (and how much difference each made). Tap water does not make a good control; there's junk in it...

Why did revolvers get overtaken in popularly by high cap semi autos?

Capacity. That is pretty much the main reason. Just because magnums are stronger doesn't mean they are better in practical application. Hell some 9mm +P loadings can be on par with .357 magnum.

Fantasy Baseball trade involving Hanley Ramirez?

I'd say to pull the trigger on the trade. Even if you aren't starting Pujols or Hanley, that also means that someone else isn't either....

How can I fix my damaged hair?

and i thought i was the only one doing this in the world. i wash my hair every other day and i straighten it everyday. if i wash my hair everyday the dermatologist said that it would get really dry especially when i don't use the conditioner. my shampoo used to be loreal but then i switched to sunsilk. i was a bit skeptical about it at first but it actually made my hair really soft and i noticed that there were less split ends. i don't know, but it worked for me.

Carson Palmer/Ryan Grant for Joseph Addai/Derek Anderson?

Both sets of players are good but I like the combo of Addai and Anderson. I think Anderson will have a better season than Palmer but Addai and Grant should be equally successful.

Shaving / laughing lines?

I started shaving with a double edged razor a few months ago, and have noticed the development of laughing lines. They're not creases or wrinkles. It looks kind of like a faint red line where the wrinkle would be. Could this be from irritation from shaving / improper technique? / how should I resolve this

Is this site safe for me to buy leeds fest tickets?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Do you guys know any movies dat....?

you missed "Borat" and "Bruno".. but yeah these movies you list are nothing special. You should spend less time looking for movies with bad words and work on spelling yours correctly.

Is he my Boyfriend or my Best Friend?

My boyfriend and i have been together for 4 years and lately we haven't really been having frequent . Last time 3 weeks went by without and sometimes i dont even want to have when he does. i love him dearly but i cant figure out if im just comfortably in love or if i just love him like a best friend and i can't admit it to myself. i dont want to hurt him because i know that he loves me. But wait theres more. . . i went to a party last saturday and met a man named harold who really infatuated me and i felt like i wanted to be near him and i wanted to be held by him. i felt pionate in the kind of way that i want to feel about my boyfriend. im very confused and i want to talk to harold more even if we never actually get together. i love my benjamin but it seems like the flame has gotten a little low on my side. the relationship that im in now is the longest that ive ever been in so i guess i need to know if this is natural or if theres something else! HELP!

Do they all rhyme?? PLEASE ANSWER!! QUICKLY!?

Yes I believe all of them do in some way if not right after they do have a rhyme scheme.. His poems are like short stories of his mind. He was a lonely alcoholic that had a beautiful talent. "Poe really was a haunted man. First published after Poe's death, "The Bells" is a heavily onomatopoeic poem known for its repetition. Poe was very talented and used different types of poetry.

Trading for a better RB, need some tips?

There's no way we can know exactly what the other guy is willing to do in the way of a trade, but he could use some WR help. Basically, you're likely to have to give up Boldin or Bowe to upgrade your RBs and that will downgrade your receivers. You need to be working with the other owner to find something you can live with.

How do these names sound?

How about "Amanda Rochelle". :) That's like the cutest name I've ever heard!!! And Kennedy Sophie. :)

How many different people in history have Christians claimed to be the Antichrist?

They can rest ured now Obama's here. They were half right with Kissenger as he is supporting the NWO & cast his vote for obama to be fearless leader for satan.

Is it true that Paula Abdul OFFICIALLY won't be back on American Idol for Season 2010?

I don't watch the show because I can't take the "early" people who think they can sing...they hurt my ears...but from the bits and pieces I've seen and heard, it sounds like Paula needs a little help (rehab or something), so maybe she could use the time off and come back for the next season.

AT&T Phone Decision!?

ok, so i am not quite sure which phone to get, but have narrowed it down to these: pantech duo, blackjack 2, sony ericsson w580i, or LG shine. i text a lot, and am ok with the regular numeric keypad, so i basically just need your opinions. thanks!

A horoscope compatibility expert help me :]?

I recommend that you go to for a compatibility ysis, very easy to do and it's free

What was you favorite regular season NFL game ever?

Mine was a game in 2003: Chiefs vs. Ravens. Ray was in his prime (as were the Ravens), and he didn't get a single tackle the whole game. The Chiefs blocking manhandled him, every play he got thrown to the ground by Brian Waters, Willie Roaf, Will Shields, John Tait, Tony Richardson, Jason Dunn, even Tony Gonzalez. He'd then say he was getting double teamed and complain to the referees. We won that game, too. Very close, our defense couldn't contain Jamal Lewis.

11 yr old doing Graduate level statistics...WTF?

Your child's abilities are above and beyond the average 11 year old. He probably has a very high IQ overall and scores extremely high in Mathematical/Logical/Spatial Abilities. I believe that each person has a portion of intellectual abilities that are stronger than others. I am great with Language/Vocabulary/ogies, but I take what seems like a long time to understand math, and yet I have a slightly higher than normal IQ. So, no, I do not believe you're stupid. I think you just have other aspects of your intelligence that are stronger.

How did Gandhi rise to power ?

By joining the common people! Weaving his own white cloth instead of buying British imported clothing and material. Cooking and doing menial jobs himself! Treating his wife with reverence. He believed ferently that they much break the British hold on their country! He started his miles by foot with no food, to the sea! His goal was to demonstrate that the salt that the British TAXED Indians, was FREE to all!! As he walked that distance, people began to follow him until hundreds/thousands were with him!!! He reached the sea and scooped up a handful of sea salt. It was the first non-violent peaceful revolution! The British beat the people with clubs, but their faith in Ghandi persisted and the British eventually give India their Independence in 1948???

In Elections, long gone / past, there were 'very often' 'slogans' i.e. During the 1952 campaign "I LIKE IKE"

Give your selves about 2 to 3 minuets and come up with 'slogans' for the candidates, i.e., 'I LIKE MIKE' (Huckabee), 'GO FOR JOE' (Biden), 'DON'T JACK WITH JOHN' (Mc Cain, or Edwards), 'NO TRAMA WITH O'BAMA', " COME FLY WITH DENNIS', 'HILLARY, GO HOME'(E.T.), "AL'S A BORE", "KERRY IS THE BERRY", these in2 1/2 minuets! O.K., now it is your turn !!!

Whats pedals do My Chemical Romance, Aiden, and Green Day use????

Whats pedals do My Chemical Romance, Aiden, and Green Day use???? Ok, I listen to a lot of MCR, Aiden, and Green Day and I play most of their songs. And I can't seem to get the right sound. And I remembered that they use pedalboards. And really want to know what pedals they use. So if anyone knows, please help me out. Also it would be cool if anyone knew Blink 182's pedals. Thanks for the help if you find anything, and if you don't... well thanks for atleast reading.

I need help w/ studying/learning about Judaism?

Hey Kyarorin that's terrific it sure makes sense to research Judaism since Christians originate from the Judea family, Just a point and that is practically all the history of Christianity is contained in ancient Greek scripts copies of which are available for reference purposes as opposed to lending at most large city library's..I wish you success.

I've achieved enlightenment but paranoia came along with it?

It's almost as if death can occur by excessive introspection. I now know the mystery of life and I desperately try and forget the fact. How do I cope to prevent self-termination?

What's the difference between a book and it's memoir?

Why do some books (i.e. Angela's Ashes) have a memoir (i.e. Angela's Ashes: A Memoir)? Is it the same book? Is it completely different? Or, are just some parts different?

What does Miley Cyrus have that Hilary Duff didn't have

hilary duff is better than miley cyrus anyday! miley cyrus is a slut and hilary duff is good girl and great rolemodel. she always has been shes one of the only ones that hasnt gotten married or pregnant at the age of 15 or 16. she doenst take nude photos with her father, and she wears appropriate clothes..imagine that!!!! but yeah i agree with you on watched lizzie maguire alot too and shes kinda gone now. idk maybe all the other slutty girls have taken the spotlight for a little while...hopefully she will be least i hope!!!!

How to get over a boy?

Prepare for drama :P LOL I started dating jon in 7th grade then all summer and the Start of 8th grade.over that time I dumped him once cause he blamed every thing on he dumped me I'm stupied for trying to get him he's told ppl I done it with him and he is with my friend jess(going on 9 months dating) (I date him for 10,broke up in december) well Ive blocked him from facebook but I have his email and I c whatsz going on he don't no I still have it so honestly I am nosey it reminds me what he was like...what he says on fb(flirting with other girls) well he had a friend Kyle I liked since we were kids it lasted 4 months then my mom wanted me single so he's still like my brOther..the rummer was I used him..I need a way to get this boy outta my life..he's a year older a sopre and I'm a freshman now..he was my 1st love so I'm stuck and no one I no can help me :/

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Can suede leather boots be worn in the snow?

can they get wet? they don't look like suede, just like leather. what effect does water have on suede leather?

How long would the Billy Joel/Elton John concert run?

I am wondering how long the concert will go for. The show starts at 7:30 at Scotiabank place. I need to know so I can let the babysitter know what time I will be home.

What is this type of bed called?

It's called a "sunken bed" if it's in the floor, or just a "pit bed" or "bed pit". Google it.

What is the dynamic irony in macbeth act 1 scene 6?

The irony here is that Duncan is constantly remarking how nice the environment is. He is constantly talking about nice the weather is and how pleasant he feels. It is ironic because he is about to be murdered.

Is This Picture Real?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Its not real. Nothing could do that to fingers without causing the skin around it to be red and inflamed. People will take two photos and put them together....its called photoshopping.

What was Goodman's solution for the raven paradox?

I know that he said for example a blue shirt also confirms the hypothesis 'all ravens are white' but that just makes the whole thing more complicated...did he actually come up with a solution?

Whats wrong with my true percula clownfish?

upside down swimming is a sign of stress. try buying some "stress coat" available at walmart. my bubble-eyed goldfish did that when i moved and he ended up dying 3 days later. their swim bladders get screwed up when they get stressed. my clownfish is swimming in a panic as of lately also and not eating. i just moved his tank. if your clowny doesn't get better within a week, go back to the pet store and talk to the people there. mines' a locally owned fish store and the owner is amazing! very very helpful!! otherwise test your water's pH, nitrite, nitrate, chlorine, salinity, the works. oh, on another striped damsel was the aggressive fish in my tank, he attacked my clownfish and my other fish (i forget what he is, but he's a lil blue guy and was really cheap too). so maybe your damsel is provoking some stress. try to put a tank separater in for a day or two and see how that goes. keep the fish separate. if you can't find a screen, try a spawning net or isolation net and put one of the fish in there until they get used to it. good luck!!!

Grow some , testosterone. backbone?

Just do what you feel like doing and forget about how other people will react. What do you have to lose? You may find it more enjoyable than trying to trade insults with children, which I doubt you really want to do in the first place.

Barnes and Noble shipping question?

Its my very first time to order and buy stuff online.So my question is if I paid my shipping, on barnes and noble, do i have to pay for ups in front of my door? For expample I bought a book called "the Fame" and then I buy it on bn then the shipping costs and taxes are included..DO it still have to pay for UPS when they get here at home?

Is it possible to make hydrochluric acid from salt?

Can I make hydrochloric acid from table salt and other household substances. I don't need anything too strong

Is the court show Eye for an eye fake?

I love court cases on television I favor Judge Mathis and Judge Judy. However, I do sometimes watch the other ones such as The Peoples Court to Divorce Court to Judge Alex and everything in between. As I examine Judge Extreme Akim, I find a lot of bull that I makes me think "this cant be real" Anyone have any facts on this show?

What is the grammatical difference between "ALL" and "EVERY"?

I am teaching English in France. And I need to teach my students the difference between ALL and EVERY, but I cannot find any rules about it! Help!

Does anybody have a picture of Diego Sanchez's Son?

I once seen a picture of a little boy in his lap who i believe was his son. Does anybody know what i'm talking about?

Battered by Barca: Is Wenger a BAd loser....?

Yup. and he and Nasri is now charged by improper conduct to the referee after the game. Any more takers? If you guys don't like referee, play Playstation instead. You can always rest the game if things don't go your way.

Is this cheating?

I am trying to solve my Rubiks cube, but i end up going in circles, backtracking and I am told that there are algorithms that you can repeatedly that work very well. I want to solve it myself, but i was wondering how many people solved it themselves, how many people looked up the algorithms and whether or not its cheating to look them up. Serious cubers or not, let me know.

Help with honda prelude automatic gearbox?

i have jst bought this car and not sure how to use gearbox, it is automatic and has 1..2..d3...and d4 which one do i use? also it has a switch to go from normal to sports mode what is the difference

How can i boost my confidence, self-esteem and self-respect?

yeah everyone experiences that. Sounds like you are self conscious. I struggle with the same thing. This is also where your self esteem kicks in. Loving yourself the way you are and paying attention to only the opinions that you have of yourself and not others is what you start with. There your self esteem with rise. But dont worry. I think everyone goes through this some part in their life. Its part of being human. On the otherhand, being self conscious isn't all that much of a bad thing it just depends on your level of confidence and how you display it. I've seen girls that dont care about their appearance, how they dress and dont care about what anyone thinks and look like totally slobs and sleezes. Their end of the self conscious spectrum is almost at a 0%. Saying that, being self conscious isn't that much of a bad thing cuz you should care a little bit about leaving an impression on people but not so much where it bothers you. Worry about impressing yourself first. Experiment with these mini skirts or other clothes you dont feel comfortable in go out of your comfort zone and see what you think you look good in and how you feel in it.

How long does it take zebra finches to breed after you buy them?

I just bought a pair of zebra finches at the pet store yesterday and put the cage with a wicker nest in it at the top of the cage in my living room. They don't really seem interested in the nest, how long will it take for them to get interested in it and what does the male sound like when he wants to impress the female?

Theists, if it is soooo important to you that there is life after death, why wait?

I understand that it's a sin to kill yourself, but it's not a sin to be a crab fisherman in Alaska, or an army scout in Afghanistan, or an alligator wrestler. Why not find a "warp tunnel" to the upper levels, yo?

How to make a bento box quilt?

I want to make my first quilt and I like the bento box pattern. I was wondering how to cut the pattern and what size the pieces should be. I think I want the quilt to measure out to about 75"x100". Any help would be really appreciated. Also how many yards of fabric should I buy if I want 6 different fabrics?

What are some names you would NOT name your baby?

I would never name my child Nevaeh-its so ugly and Aiden Kaiden/Kayden/Caden Jayden/Jaiden/Jaden- they are SO common and stupid and ugly every other child you meet has one of those names and I cannot stand it! Also, Liam like really? Liam is short for William first of all and now all of the sudden its a popular name and I also think its stupid.

Is prague a good place to go on holiday?

im 27 and my girlfriend is 24 and we are thinking about going on holiday to prague in the czech rep, would it be worth while and what would the weather be like at the end of september

I'm please!?

try this homemade cure i did this like lots of times put salt in luke warm water amnd gargle it and do this at least 3 times a day and 2 to 3weeks untill ur cough is gone k good luck!

Are there better forms of government than what exists presently?

Ideas similar to the enlightenment idea that was used to create the U.S.? But possibly fits better with present day economic, social,...... standards.

Nortfolk Southern song "You Don't Need Me"?

R. Krishnaswami of Sacred Noise in NY & Steve Kolander of JWT in ATL composed it. Where can I download it?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Why do people look at me like this?

Ok I wear alot of abercrombie and hollister and american eagle clothes. SO does my bf and somtimes when we go to malls some people who to me look a little trashier look at me like ewww. But i am a size 4 in jeans and medium in tops. But i look good not fat but not super skinny. But i just honestly do not get it. Can someone give me a hint or maybe just y they do this?

In need of some good camping recipes.?

Going on a camping trip. Will be staying in a cabin but there is no stove so we will be using the open fire to cook. Any good recipes? We do have a small propane stove if we really need it.

Invest in Altria or Philip Morris?

PM's ratios are not quite as good as MO's but the legal risk and market growth prospects seem better. PM sells cigarettes abroad and developing nations just can't get enough American cigarettes. It's hard to believe that some third-world country is going to get all health conscious and sue PM anytime soon. It takes at least 20 years or so between market and a significant number of deaths from cigarette smoking. You should be safe in PM for at least that long.

Computer problems..?

If you have stuff on that hard drive that you need, I would take the hard drive out, set it as a slave drive and install it in another computer where you can go in and copy your files off of it (if you don't know how to do all this stuff yourself, print this out and take it to a Geek Squad or computer repair place in your area). Once you've got all your files saved off of it, install it back in its original computer (switch it back to Master) and then use the recovery discs that came with your computer to restore your computer (re-format the hard drive and re-install windows). Usually, doing this simply consists of turning your computer on with the recovery cd in the drive - it should ask you to "press any key to boot from the cd" - then you follow the on-screen instructions. If you had to get someone to do this at a store, it might cost you about $80 - unless you have any tech-savvy friends that can follow these instructions and do it for free. Hope it all works out.

Do you think this is racist?

Someone told me I was racist for saying that "I would never marry a non-Lebanese girl" so, what are your thoughts?

Computer Peformance Issues when gaming. Is it due to overheating?

the max. temperature of intel core i7 processors (desktop ones) according to intel is 38 degrees C. the ambient temperature in the case should be about 10 degrees lower. if you want to cool it down more get an intake and exhaust fan, preferably putting the exhaust fan at the top of the case as the heat rises. if you already have case fans get a better CPU cooler

Pike fishing question?

You have heard correctly that pike spawn at this time of year. While doing that they tend to gather together into quite large groups, which makes them rather harder to find than at other times. If you do find a breeding group you can have a field day (although personally I prefer to leave them to get on with their breeding undisturbed anyway).

What could cause a recent increase in incredibly vivid and sometimes lucid dreams?

I've been having dreams recently that put movies to shame over the last week. Two or three dreams per night that I remember almost every detail of, can sometimes influence and have pulled people from my memories that I haven't seen in over a decade. Nothing much has changed in my life or diet except that I started taking GNC's Mega Men Sport dietary supplements (2 per day), but I can't see how that would affect my dreams. Any ideas?

Survey:Rosie ODonnell, a rattlesnake, one bullet in a pistol and you trapped in an elevator,what would you do?

Let the rattlesnake bite Rosie and then they would both die of poison and then use the gun to shoot the speaker that was playing that terrible music

Is there ANY way possible to get a private student loan without a co signer and where?

im independent and 17 and need a private student loan! please don't suggest me ways to get a co signer because there is NO POSSIBLE WAY! please only answer if you know exactly what your talking about thanks!

What are some books that everyone should read?

I have been into writing for about six years and I plan to be a fiction writer. However, I have not read enough. Can someone please tell me some books I should read? I am especially interested in action packed books, such as supernatural thrillers. I enjoy Christian writers such as Frank Peretti and Ted Dekker, but would also like to read Stephen King, Dean Koontz, Dennis LeHane, etc. I also am interested in the fantasy genre, and some adventure books. I like it when books have romance in them, but are not romance books (many books are like this). I might like the sci-fi genre, but I'm just not sure. Can anyone tell me some clic and modern books I should read in order to expand my reading habits (and hopefully become a faster reader as well)? Thanks.

Physics Projectiles(with soccer)?

An olympic long jumper leaves the ground at an angle of θ = 17.6° and travels through the air for a horizontal distance of 9.0 m before landing. What is the takeoff speed of the jumper?

What do you think of this poem?

I love "Our Deepest Fear" by Marianne Williamson (featured in the movie Coach Carter), but I'd feel better if you had cited the source and the author. Plagiarism, whether or not it's intentional, is a dangerous thing.

Computer signs?

Hi! I just learned how to make a � using the alt on and the numbers 164. I played around and while pressing the alt on and ramdom numbers cool things came up like other vowels with accent marks and smilie faces and little circles and such. Can some one give me the number codes for other awesome things like these?? Thanks!

I need a purple costume of some sort to wear to a school athletics day. any suggestions?

My house is purple and me and a friend need something purple that will look cool and is cheap, anyone have any suggestions?

How can I send pics/videos from my phone to my email/computer?

You can do it via the datacable of your phone or through a memory card reader (if your phone has amemory card). Otherwise if your phone is bluetooth enabled, you can use a bluetooth adapter and transfer the data.

Procrastinating roomates?

I would honestly tell them of they didn't want to go with you then you were going to find different roommates because prices are rising and what happens if you do everything at the last minute and don't find a good place to live? If you are all going to be loving together they should help and you shouldn't be pulling all the weight.

Is it to late to start playing aussie rules footy?

im 15 and a half, and am interested in playing footy for a club next season. Ive never played club before, just in grade 6 for primary school. Have alot of pion for the game and support it. I was just wondering if it would be too late to start playing 1st year of colts. Obviously i dont have ambitions to become an afl player...but i have goals to at least play and be a respectable player. Is it too late?

Signs he likes me and some maybe not...what do you think?

i think he likes you but he has begun to think that you don't like him so he's shrugging away from you. i think that you should go after him!

Bye Bye Birdie - Mayor's Wife?

Okay I was just cast as the Mayor's wife in my middle school musical (Bye Bye Birdie) I know i get to faint in the mayors arms (a seventh an eighth grader...hmmmm...) But do I have any singing or speaking parts? Everyone says its a great role, but I think they were just trying to be nice...has anyone done this show and know? Or possibly has been this character??

Why are some people more easily influenced than others?

for example, some ppl are easily hypnotized some are not, some ppl are susceptible to subliminal messages and some are not.

Ever heard of a book or movie with a character named Rin?

I dunno where i've heard the name from but i'm pretty sure that somewhere i've heard the name Rin. I think it may have been a book. Anybody want to help clarify which one? And no, the name is not a typo.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Ok folks a few quick ones?

hahahahah last one is good...better send now few about men...thats not fair ..other wise i will...LOL

Mr Lee, a hemophilic, has a daughter of normal phenotype. Mr Lee’s daughter marries?

Hemophilia is an X linked recessive disorder. Since the daughter received one X chromosome from her father, she would be a heterozygote, or Hh. In other words, she has one dominant and one recessive gene. I don't think I can draw a Punnett square with a word processor. The man who is normal and marries the daughter must not be recessive. He only has one X chromosome, so his genotype is H. If the two have a daughter, she will receive the man's dominant H gene, and either of the genes from the mother. The daughter will have a 50% chance of being HH, and 50% of being Hh. Neither will give her the phenotype.

Who's the most talented nba power forward?why?

kevin garnett because he can put series of moves to create his own shot whether it be a jumpshot or dunk. he's unstoppablein the post and he can hit the jumpshot regularly. The reason nowizkis not is because hes not a real threat in the post which is what power forwards should be like, not shooting 3's. he doesnt play defense either. other than garnett, i would say duncan or gasol.

The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne?

I have to read The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne and write a report on it; do I have to read the 40 pg introduction or can I just start the story at chapter 1 ? (note that I slacked off and school's starting soon :( )

What are PSATs and LSATs?

i've only ever heard of SAT reasoning test and SAT subject tests. thank you so much if you;ve helped ;)

Homemade Banjo/Guitar?

im making a banjo out of wood and wonderingwhat shape to do the body ie pentagon,hexagon,triangle since i cant amke circles and also any tips would be useful

What should i get a ten year old girl for birthday?

ok she is ten years old, and does not do much. she is like my little sister! and so far i have LIP SMACKER SKITTLES,A BAG OF 20 FLAVOR JELLY BELLYS, AND GIANT BUBBLE WAND. i think i might put it all in a small bag. i got her a card that says "happy fun great" on the outside. and on the inside it says "wishing you a bright and colorful birthday!" and i dont know what to right! what should i get her?????? what should i right????? and i am broke so like 15 bucks is my limit on gifts. HELP!!??!!??!!??!!??!!??!!??!!??!!??!!??…

Why does PA Gov. Rendell want to raise taxes when he is getting 3.5 billion tax dollars a year from casinos?

A friend of mine is an accounts payable clerk at a casino in Pennsylvania and writes a check to the Governor for $1,000,000.00 every single day for taxes! That's $365,000,000.00 a year from one casino and there are ten of them in the state... so far! That's $3,650,000,000.00 a year from the casinos that we never had before 2007 and now he wants to tax the money from drilling and increase the inheritance tax to 55%!!!!! Are you kidding me?????

GSD's are the number one EASIEST breed of dog to train. Why then do so many?

self-proclaimed trainers have them? Do they think we are so dumb not to know that this is not a reflection on their ability and that a skilled trainer can work with all breeds and excel at both training and behavior modification? Why are some of them the most vocal about putting others down, or is this just a betrayal of their own weakness as trainers that they know how easy it is to train a GSD and they can't work with other breeds? What do you think, Curtis? (Is it insecurity, ignorance and lack of honest experience, arrogance or a combination of them all?) Is it fear or lack of skill that prompts the bad ones to use forceful techniques rather than positive reinforcement? If you need punishment techniques to get a dog to obey, especially GSD's, they should really find another line of work!

In love (addicted) to a convict?

Please i need good advice. This might sound like a joke but its not,ok?? I met a convict 2 years ago through a pen pal site. To make a long story short i feel soo in love with this man. I know deep down he does love me also. He told me everything I wanted to hear and was always there for me, as best he could. he has been ib twenty years for armed robbery and crim confinment. He has beenin twenty years and gets out this december. I have found out he has been talking to at least five other women to get dirty pictures of them he said. does this deserve a "free p" since hes been ib so long without a real women?? I have been through so much heartache but seem addicted to him. I change my cell phone number but then his mom will call my house phone asking me to please call me because he misses me too much. Through all this s**t i still love?? him. any answers will help. PS he claims im the only thing that makes him want to stay out here, that hes never been in love before. He went in at 20,and is forty now.

After a message was posted to the group and it appeared on the group's webpage, is there a way to STOP the mes

sorry, there is no way to stop it from going to members on individual or digest mail settings. they will receive it even if it's deleted off the group.

Want source: "across the plains of history lie the bones of countless thousands who on the brink of victory?

the quote was on a history teacher's desk in the 1960's. Not sure the quote as shown is totally correct but is as I remember it.

Someone please help me set up a balance equation from these words? Pretty simple!?

Solutions of sulfuric acid and lead (II) acetate to form solid lead (II) sulfate and a solution of acetic acid...what is the equation written out and balanced?>

35 weeks pregnant and I think baby has dropped?

Sounds like you've stretched a muscle too far (which can happen alot during pregnany as you're stretched enough as it is!) you can prob tell more by looking at your tummy to see if baby has dropped. I gave birth to my first daughter at 36 weeks (normal birth, only gas n air and she was 7lb14oz!!) but before i couldnt tell she had dropped - nor did i realise my waters had gone lol, dont worry yourself, baby will come when their ready

Is this proper citation of a primary source (advertisement)?

“When you ride alone you ride with Hitler!” The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration. 13 Apr. 2010. <>.a href=">." rel="nofollow"…/a

Is Clinton finally now getting the educated white vote too?????

you obviously spoke too intelligent of a person does one have to be to realize putting mccain in is giving bush another term?

Will they keep the same actors in all the Narnia Movies?

I was wondering if they would bring back William Mosley as Peter and in the Last Battle movie, also if Tilda Swinton would continue her role as the White Witch in any other of the films. Also the adults that played the four Pevensies in the first movie would reprise there roles.

What could i do for my girlfriends birthday?

she is a common girl and i want to surprise her with something huge or very thoughtful, an idea for a present would be of help to thanks in anticipation

What are logous pairs of chromosomes?

What happens to the logous pair of chormosomes during meiosis? And why is it that after meiosis there is only one chromatid in each gamete? How will this gamete make a logous chromosome with only one chromatid?

What are some things that a boyfriend can do to make you uncomfortable?

Exactly what are some things that can make you feel uncomfortable that your boyfriend says or does. I need some good examples and please be VERY specific. Such as, if there's certain questions he asks you that make you uncomfortable. Or maybe you don't like public display of affection (PDA). Please help.

It is hard to snowboard on my new board?

I got a new snowboard for christmas and it is bigger than my old snowboard. I have been snowboarding for 3 years on my old board and i am really good, but when i tried my new snowboard which is about 1 1/2 feet bigger than my old one I could not control it very good. I fell a couple times and had a hard time turning left. (I snowboard with my left foot in front). Is there anything i need to do to fix this? Should my bindings be adjusted or further apart on the board? I just want to know why it is so hard to snowboard on my new board compared to my other one. I am 5" 6 if that helps at all

I was abducted by a ufo,is there anyone i can see to help me? i was probed.?

I am sure you were. I ume you are quite young. Anyone over the age of 20 would realize how stale this joke is.

Nobody is using the toilet and it keeps making a sound like it is...?

Ya know how after you flush the toilet it makes a noise as it fills up.? well its 3 in the morning and Nobody but me is awake. Im 13 btw... and it keep making a noise like its refilling like, every 2 minutes... Its freaking me out D: and It sounds like somebody is turning on the shower... just when i think it stopped it makes the noise again... when its not making the noise I can hear a faint sounds... like somebody is slowly pouring alittle bit of water into it... It hasnt done this before.! whats happening .?! D;


sounds like you're doing homework. DO IT YOURSELF. you don't learn anything by getting other people to do it for you. get off your lazy ***, shut the computer off, and do your homework on your own. show some initiative.

Jingle Jam Tickets Please Help?

Ok i have 3 tickets to go to the jingle jam but then my mom says i cant go so i need a MAJOR point of why i cant go. Also i need of list of things to do for my mom because she doesnt think i care about her so i am willing to do anything! ANYTHING! because i really wanna see bruno mars! pleaseee answer soon!<3

Why would Jupiter be the coolest planet to visit?

I'm doing a project where I have to make a brochure and sell a planet. I need reasons for why Jupiter would be a fun place for a vacation, if you could actually stay there. Though I can't add things to the planet, like a hot temperature if the planet's cold. thanks!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

How to get this hair [20 characters]?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

How do i make a brochure on microsoft word?

i've tried the templates, but the brochure i have to make is very specific, and the pre-designed templates don't let me move things around. i just need a black template so i can make it how i need it for my science project.

Is milk really necessary for you?

I don't know if you have seen the recent commercials, featuring the Jungle Book, and Reggie Bush, and Shrek. They seem to suggest that milk is more important for you than vegetables, grain, meat, or oils. It is almost as if you don't have milk, you won't live. So I am wondering is this just some ploy by the milk administration, or is milk really that good for you, that you need it to survive. I mean there are other things out there so you can get calcium, you don't need milk do you? Couldn't you survive easily?

I have a girlish figure. What should i do?

Well i don't know what to tell you except for quit bringing yourself down with all of the things you hate about your body maybe you could just workut and get muscular lol that might make you feel better about yourself.

I'm starting mma but i don't know any styles what would u recommend?

i'm good on the floor i can survive long in submissions i have powerful legs and ppl say i have a strong grip but on my feet im not so good i but i was thinking kickboxing or muy tahi

Should I drop Reggie Bush and pick up Jamaal Charles?

Crazy to think but I just don't see myself ever playing Bush. He gets 6-7 touches a game and I can't count on a TD per 6 touches like he has the last 2 games.

I bought a wardrobe that takes me to Narnia for $30,000. How do I use it?

i just bought a wardrobe from a person who said it will take me to narnia. I spent $30,000 on it, but no instruction manual was included. So far I have tried to go to Narnia, but unsuccessful? Could any of you tell me how to get to Narnia?

Why Cortes and Pizarro destroyed Aztec and Inca Empires?

Cortes and Pizarro invaded and destroyed the Aztec and Inca Empires. Why do you think these 2 explorers destroyed these two thriving empires? How do you think our country would react to this invasion if it happened today?

Need a good romance anime , NO MANGA?

Try 'Pretear'. it's short and cheesy, but it's really awesome! There's supposed to be an anime version of 'Kuni no Heart no Alice'/'Alice in the Country of Hearts' coming out sometime, which should be fairly good. Don't know an exact date, though. These are both romantic reverse-harem, although Alice is a little bloody.

Help please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

so, me and my gf have not spoke for 2 weeks ok. last time we spoke i was a bit tired so i couldnt stay up to talk when she texed so i told a week went by and i didnt hera from her, the following week, i decided to contact her but i couldnt use my cell, because it broke. so i used my bud cell and i texed her askin whats she was up to, and no response..a day later, i texed her again and i asked her if she was in some way mad at me and still no reply...i checked her myspace moon and banner and her mood says "wondering" and her banner says "thinkin of dat person like crazy" is she referrin to me? i dont know y she has not try textin me at cell can receive text but wont send out.HELP!

Where can I find good freeware proxy software?

I am just tired of my school blocking stuff after school, when I get bored waiting for my parents I used to just watch Stargate SG-1 on Netflix or something but now I cant because the school blocked it. . . anyone got any ideas.

Can he they do this to me how can they treat me so poorly i just want some help and advice?

Ok so here is my story a while back i got a concussion'sn and now i have seizures from this and they get brought on when people yell at me and i am a freshmen in high school and i have heard so many stories from other people about the teachers at my school and now that i am here its horrrbiel i just got (oss) out of school suspension for yelling at my teacher when she told me i was nothing i would never be nothing and i didnt have a personality well wouldnt this piss u off so i yelled at her then the vp took her side and gave me oss he tries to do anything he can to hurt me emotionally they all do and i wanted to drop out but of course my parents said no and i am only 14 so i cant yet and about a few weeks ago i tried killing myself and now i dont know i kind of feel like doing it again the only reason i am not dead right now is because the cops came and sent me to a hopital for trying to kill myself and now school is just hurting me worse and i want to give up so tell me can my school treat me like this like i am just nothing like i am just there to bully Help????????? PLZ thanks for letting me take your time

Superbowl, Yes Or No?

No No No No No because you have it all wrong the PACKERS will be in the superbowl and I wouldn't watch anything else.

How would you describe fresh clean air?

How would you describe New Zealands fresh clean air in creative writing to make it sound amazing. Use metaphors and similes. Help please!

Is this a paradox in Physics? (about force)?

If they ended up moving with the same velocity then after the intiial collision there would be no force acting between them. However, in practice the cube would bounce off the vehicle and end up with a higher velocity. (Think of billiard ).

What if Muhammad Ali retired in 1975 after the 3rd Frazier fight or in 1976 after the 3rd Norton fight and bec?

*became a promoter? Would he have been a great promoter? What if he joined into a partnership with Don King (like Hopkins and Mosley have done with Oscar)? Could he only do well promoting himself?

Why do we still have policies such as affirmative action?

We should do away with it. Obama has proven that everyone is on an equal playing field. If an employer doesnt want to hire a black person, he shouldn't have to. And vice versa

Why do Conservatives not know how to pronounce the phrase "Democratic Party?"?

I've noticed that the vast majority of high-profile conservatives and other right-wing partisans always use the word "Democrat" as the adjective--i.e. Democrat proposal, the Democrat Party--despite that this is a simply grammatical issue. Are conservatives ignorant or are they somehow afraid that labeling the Democrats as "democratic" might make them look better?

Isolated incident or slippery slope to hate crimes and violence directed against Dems for health care reform?

As much as i would love to see these people go down it's really a bad thing to do anything about it. We shouldn't divide this country any further than it already is. As democrats we should keeps are heads up and do as much as we can to get this health care plan ped.

TTC #2 after Miscarriage Please look!?

I just had a miscarriage on 2/11 at 8 weeks pregnant. My dr. said we can try again right away so we have! I believe that I ovulated on Monday 2/28 but DH & I started BD on the thursday before & have been BD every other night since. Yesterday I began getting queasy & I have been EXTREMELY tired the past few days, is it possible fot these to be early symptoms at just 7 DPO? I mean I know some women claim to show symptoms just 2 or 3 days after conception but i never thought it was true!!


well with that kind of talk you will never find anyone... be optimistic. and why do you care if you havent lost you virginity at 16.. you have a whole life ahead of you...

Can I upgrade from XP Pro to Windows 7 Home Premium?

YES!!! however not directly, first find yourself a vista install cd (full retail so you can upgrade) do not enter key it will ask what version you bought install vista home premium one completed install your upgrade. I just finished doing it took about 2 hours minus the download times for vista.

NJ private schools?"?

Hi i need help finding a good private high/middle school. o dont really like my school and would like 2 go to one more refined for my 7th grade. i need alot of help. does anybody know any good ones. please help.